What is to Come
When we think of apocalypse, we think of the end. By definition, it is the ultimate destruction of the world as we know it—but that’s just the thing—it’s a destruction of the world as we know it. I don’t believe it’s some ultimate end—apocalypse just means “revealing.”
Just the Beginning
So much of what’s between the lines in this passage is about deciphering what is true and what is false, and, in the midst of strife and crises, to remain as calm as we can, and also vigilant. This is Jesus saying, there will be difficult times ahead—war, disasters, destruction—but amidst all this turmoil and chaos, we have to understand that this is not the end, and we cannot give up the fight to make this earth as it is in heaven…
Informed Sacrifice
So I actually think it’s kind of a big and disingenuous jump to go from Jesus saying, “look how corrupt the religious authorities are, along with this temple that they control” to “look at this widow giving her whole life to this corrupt system, we should all be like her.” It just doesn’t make sense to me…
So Far but So Close
…And so if we truly love God as we claim, we must also love our neighbor as ourselves. I believe going through life with attitudes like this—being more open-minded, more open to interpretation, less rigid, less strict—allows for so much more kindness. I think it allows for so much more understanding and love…
Throw Off Your Cloaks
…and it showed me how one way to be a true steward is to be the church out in the world, and make it known that congregations like ours, must always be present to ask, “What do you want me to do for you?” and mean it…
Care to Grow Wiser
…Hawthorne writes, “…people always grow more and more foolish, unless they care to grow wiser and wiser.” It takes work, Church, and care to keep up with the strange and difficult call of Jesus. The disciples, in theory, were up for that work, but they weren’t actually quite ready to make the radical moves and changes to their own thinking that Jesus was calling for…
A Belated Labor Day Sermon
Church, this is what Jesus was preaching about—people so attached to their wealth, to their money, to their lifestyles of luxury, that they cannot fathom letting any of it go in order to give the people who labored to provide them with this wealth something as simple as a meal break during the day… or something as crucial as affordable medical care. Jesus makes it clear that it’s impossible for people who exploit others, for people who defraud others to make it into the Kingdom of God.
And yet…
No More Rules
There’s a reason this difficult passage ends with Jesus reiterating his lesson about and his love children—about his love for the least of these. And that reason is that earthly laws and rules and necessities don’t matter. They might be necessary evils, but ultimately what matters is that we keep ourselves humble and work to love and lift the least of these. What matters is that we work towards a world in which there are no least of these—we do this by refusing to judge those who have had different life paths than us…
No Competition
…this isn’t just a story about the innocent being welcome into the fold; it’s a story about welcoming the leper, the sex worker, the addict, the homeless in the fold; It’s a story about welcoming all those who have been wrongly stigmatized, thought of as immoral, thought of as less-than into the fold. It’s a story about living our lives in a brand new way—of looking beyond hierarchies and who’s the most powerful, who’s the wealthiest, who’s at the top—because in the perfect world that Jesus is working towards, not only do hierarchies not matter anymore; they’re objectively bad….
Thou Shalt Not Be Overcome
There was a quote, a prayer of sorts, that came to my attention this past week that really helped me when I was thinking of that eternal question. It’s from the fourteenth-century mystic and theologian Julian of Norwich: “God said not ‘Thou shalt not be tempested, thou shalt not be travailed, thou shalt not be dis-eased’; but God said, ‘Thou shalt not be overcome.’” I think, Church, that this was the point that Isaiah was trying to get his people to understand…
All You Need
…if God is love, shouldn’t that mean that God is all love? That we can feel God whenever we feel loved in any way—whenever we feel safe and held and hopeful? Isn’t that the point of God? To know we are always loved? So what is so wrong with feeling an of-this-world expression of that love?
With Arms Outstretched
…So I’m standing here wondering— what happened to our “collective sense of moral responsibility”? What happened to greeting the suffering foreigner with arms outstretched, as commanded by God?
A sermon for the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
A sermon on Nehemiah 8:9-10 and Galatians 5:16-23, for the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost; Rev. Connie Moser guest preaching.
A Timeless Guide for Human Living
A sermon on Ephesians 4:25-5:2 and John 6:35, 41-51 for the Eleventh Sunday of Pentecost; guest preacher: Brian Porto
Down to Earth
…I genuinely believe that God never abandons us. I do truly believe that God’s love is unconditional. But I can’t help but wonder if we’ve fallen so far that God can’t stand to face us until we completely and sincerely begin working to make this earth as is in heaven…
Voice of Bathsheba
…instead of focusing on why David acted this way, I want to focus on the woman who had everything taken away from her—what little agency or independence she had; her husband; her voice was taken away. I want to give a voice to Bathsheba…
I Will Give You Rest
…and so, on this first Sunday back in the sanctuary after a year and a half of being in COVID-exile, this sermon is about how this church can’t contain God. This church isn’t for God. This church is for us. And that’s okay…
Two 4th of July Sermons
…we should be able to feel some hope that even in this time in which the monied few have more power than ever, as the gap between the haves and the have-nots continues to grow, that we still have the power to demand a just world for all…
Those Who Bleed
David is such a powerful figure and such a good leader because he recognizes that those who bleed are strong and understanding…
Never the Underdog
…we can learn from David, we can find hope in the story of David. Because in this story, David never has any second thoughts, because he’s never comparing himself to Goliath, or to Saul. He embraces his nature as a small but fiercely protective and faithful person. He embraces the skills he’s acquired as a shepherd. He never tries to be anything he’s not…